"Day's change" data for Mexican market is NOT correct
Tuesday am (8.32 CST) data for the Mexican "Bolsa de Valores" gives changes (neither amount nor %) that are not correct - not related to Monday close nor to Friday close. This is NOT a rare problem for reports about this market. Tuesday data is close to the change from the Friday close, but not quite (I record day close an hour after the fact to include any late adjustments.)
Thanks for your post! We have reported this to our Engineering team and they will look into this further.
Yahoo Finance
John E Hayes commented
Data is not up-dated for the Mexican "Bolsa de Valores". Change from previous day and % change is wrong. Prices are not changing, even though the market has been open for an hour.
John E Hayes commented
For the third straight day... transaction reports for the Mexican "Bolsa de Valores" is completely WRONG . Example: CREAL.MX closed yesterday at 23.50, opened at 23.45 and change data is given as "+0.46 and +2%)
John E Hayes commented
Data for the Mexican "Bolsa" indicates change in daily volume, but NO CHANGE in prices. ... also "change and % change" is based on Monday close, not Tuesday close. [Wednesday 30 Oct, 10:30 EDT]
John E Hayes commented
? Is it New Math that says a $37.00 close and a $36.95 open represents an INCREASE of $0.90 (+2.5%) ? This is related to Monday close, not the Tuesday close.
John E Hayes commented
43 minutes after the Mexican market ("Bolsa de Valores") opened, there is still no quote for today's movements, only yesterday's close. There should only be a 20 minute delay.