More site changes, more bugs
The latest changes have numerous problems:
1) Dividends no longer show up - clicking on the Dividend button for a holding now freezes the page, need to reload to get page to respond again
2) When opening the Holdings Summary at the top, clicking on another time frame for the graph sometimes gives "There was an error while loading your portfolio chart. Please try again." All does not appear to work. Custom is more likely not to work when the time frame is longer (especially over a year). The percent shown at the end of the graph looks wrong. Though the graph appeared to work better the more I played with it, but still did not reliably work giving the above error message.
3) If the current view has too many items, the items on the right end do not show no matter how wide the browser window is. There is plenty a room on the page (margins) so why not use this space?
4) Page does not appear to update even if streaming quotes is turned on.
So, maybe better test changes before rolling them out for now on? (I was quite satisfied with the site (1.0) before you started messing with it.
Saying "ENHANCED" on the page is kind of a joke. In my opinion, each of these changes is going downhill. Any more "improvements" and this site will be unusable for my purposes.

Cletus Hunt commented
3) Just noticed there is a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom allowing view of the items of the end. Still would be nice if the this frame would expand to the extent of the browser window instead of such wide side margins.