Remove the ad from the bottom of the preview screen!
Please remove the bottom ad that blocks me from seeing my emails in the preview pane. That is the most annoying thing!
TKO Drywall commented
Stop inappropriate female ads. This is a business not a **** shop.
Bill Spencer commented
Bryan Smith commented
Im not going to pay for something I never ask for in the first place. Get rid of the ads in the side panel.
We know we don't love ads, we do! We have no plans in getting rid of the ads, but we are collecting feedback and we are always trying to improve the ad experience. In general, we do offer an ad-free experience if you upgrade to Yahoo Mail Plus, but of course it's not mandatory. Thanks!
S Lee commented
Please remove the ads on the side panel of my email. I can't expand my email because of these annoying ads!! Why are they there?. No, I'm not paying to have them removed! Can I just check my email without useless ads?
s1brooks Brooks commented
My email provider has no place for politics. Perod
Shari Horsman commented
The ad covers messages in my inbox. I Would like access to ALL my messages please. Ads should NOT be allowed to interfere with the content on my page.
Brian Converse commented
Did they listen? The ad is gone from my view. Nice job, Yahoo!!
anil sharma commented
i dont want any advertisement in the yahoo mail screen at all
Marianne Sharp commented
The box under my email is white and blank and makes the space to read an email only 20mm or less unless I open it. It is not even showing an advert! it is just blank space!
Martha Hedge commented
I agree the new ad placement at the bottom is too in-your-face. If not removed I will change to another service. It's a deal breaker. Why would anyone buy a product based on an annoying ad?
Martha Hedge commented
I agree the new ad placement at the bottom is too in-your-face. If not removed I will change to another service. It's a deal breaker.
Gregory Clyde commented
That is the most underhanded way to add ads to the email program. Enough is Enough.
I have always felt Yahoo had the user's best interest up front. Please drop the encroachment of the user's space. -
Rochelle Bassett commented
Please remove the ad bar at the bottom of the page, I can't scroll and see the entire email because of Google ads trying to sell me something.
Mark Larson commented
Ads at the bottom - this is a deal breaker if not removed. I will switch to a different provider if not removed.
Rhonda Wentworth commented
I HATE the ad at the bottom and the side!! It's very annoying!!! It cuts done on my reading space.
Rajesh Rajan commented
Hi All
Please set the browser zoom size to 80% so we can see the message preview. Or switch to different service provider. SIMPLE !!!!!!
Actual idea of Yahoo mail is to see the ads by the users, you people are not ready to see the ads. It is really a clever idea by YAHOO
Stephen BOURKE commented
Get rid of the ads at the bottom - too frustrating to use yahoo email now. Will change to another
Nicole Karnik commented
The huge ad on the right side was annoying enough but the new ad at the bottom leaves me with less than a 4x6 viewing space for my mail. I'm going to make my gmail account my official account if the ad space isn't removed in the next month.
Brian Converse commented
Please pay attention to this. This is ridiculous. We can't even read our email any more.