Comments rejected
Still waiting for Yahoo to let me know why you remove my comments when they relate directly to the article and are in no way offensive.
Ira Levy commented
Allow comments that quote the very article that is being commenting on which includes the language and topics being discussed like Nazi and so forth
Salaman Shekelstorm commented
I posted "Israel has the right to defend its self" and this violates community guidelines?! Really? Why don't you just stop pretending and put a swastika on the home page?
Kelly Lockhart commented
I didn’t say anything cross. I spoke facts about vaccines for respiratory viruses almost all failing historically. I stated that people ingest alcohol( a disinfectant, trump used the word disinfectant, not bleach) for fun. Democrats are so full of hate and pride that they cannot stand to hear the truth. Yahoo is awful.
Kelly Lockhart commented
I didn’t say anything cross. I spoke facts about vaccines for respiratory viruses almost all failing historically. I stated that people ingest alcohol( a disinfectant, trump used the word disinfectant, not bleach) for fun. Democrats are so full of hate and pride that they cannot stand to hear the truth. Yahoo is awful.
[Deleted User] commented
I have Not been vulgar or offensive and yet many of my comments are flagged as being against community guidelines...and nope they're not!and if allowed seem to just poof... disappear...and now I'm unable to post from my mobile...yet I "can" from a p.c.?!?
robert Graham commented
What a joke where opinions don’t matter any more. The AI governing the comments is a joke. Just controlled narratives that are one sided. Way over censored if that’s what you call it. Terrible waste of time anyone.
robert Graham commented
The worst thing yahoo ever created. People can be offensive but at least they speak their true minds, anything negative or opposing gets rejected leaving only positive comments when negative opposing views are needed. Gives a false narrative that’s manipulated to be positive. Then people use that to push the topic that would’ve been perceived as unpopular as a popular view. Absolute garbage moderators
George Bush Sr. commented
Please quit kicking people off you don't agree with. You set the guide lines. We follow them and you still kick folks off. Not cool to the first amendment.
Lindley commented
Dear cb......if he's not wearing your dress don't worry. If you aren't trying to boink women you don't know, you won't be worrying about what's under the skirt.
The Republican party is just a paragon of truth.....hahahaha!!! Stop drinking the kool aid! -
Lindley commented
Wow! Still gathering feedback more than a year later!! More feedback isn't going to give you (Yahoo) a good excuse for deleting my comments. There's nothing wrong with them!
Adam Biernacki commented
Yahoo, you are so liberal and censor everyone who is not. You are what’s wrong with the world. How come in the comment section some people can post certain words and other can’t. Yall suckers are literally censoring us
[Deleted User] commented
Make sure your system works properly before implementing it so as not to deny comments needlessly. Also allow a challenge to your censure of speech. Nothing foul was said, now was anything directed at any other commenters.
Kristine Dowell commented
Why did you shut down your comment section? It’s so suspicious the way you just cut it off , I’m sure it was during election season,,,,, now I remember why . ********!
MIKE commented
With great disdain, I see comments on Yahoo that are way beyond any other ‘guideline’ established within the industry and certainly exceed Yahoo’s community guidelines standards. However, because I follow a conservative political view, I am censored - and not allowed to post comments - because I lash out at the hatred from the left and liberal democrats toward conservatives on your website.
There is a double standard at Yahoo. It’s obvious and disturbing!
Allow differing opinions and lose the hatred for Donald Trump.
I have a communications degree and we learn on day one the definition of true American and international journalism; and, it’s called ‘objective reporting.’
Follow the ethics of free speech, stop with the silencing and censorship of differing opinions or find a new line of work! -
jdkinger98 commented
No fun to visit site anymore. Going somewhere else
jdkinger98 commented
Quit being biased towards me
Joann Gunby commented
EVERY comment I submit is rejected. I can even comment, “Hope you have a great day” and it will be rejected. What gives?
Lindley commented
Dear hysterical "conservatives"......all of my comments have been deleted for over a year and I'm definitely not a fan of Trump. No reason given for the censorship. And by the way...... Trump is in no way imaginable, a conservative!
Jared Chicos commented
Stop censoring peoples speech you (yahoo) may not agree with!!
Shane Monet commented
Yahoo is a joke is all for biden