Prize Leagues - Increase maximum number of teams
Requests to increase the maximum number of teams in Public Prize Leagues to 12.
Michael Debus commented
This is absolutely critical for me to use yahoo for public prize leagues. 10 just isnt the same and no pros or good content creators even consider under 12 teams when giving opinion/advice.
Michael Debus commented
12 teams is the standard for fantasy football. "Experts" base their ranking and opinions on 12 team. We need to have 12 team public prize leagues available as an option. Makes me not even want to play this year.
Bonzi Wells commented
Option to create a 32 team league plus have the commissioner option of duplicating every player in the NFL so that if I want to run a 2 QB league keepers, I have 32 teams and 64 starting QBs available. Have the option of running either a 16 team playoff or a 14 team one playoff, up to 8 divisions
patrick sorenson commented
I simply will not play in a 10 man league. Pro leagues should default to 12 or at least have the option.
Dennis Fitch commented
Yes, please increase the number of teams to 12.