[Player Card] General Feedback
General feedback about player cards. This can include requests for new data points, functionality or design changes.

Mark A commented
Give us an option for a 10 team playoff from weeks 14-17. Seeds 7-10 have a play-in for the 7th and 8th seed, then playoffs resume as a 8 team playoff after that. 14 team leagues would benefit greatly from this.
Taronish commented
In player cards, previously before the UI update it showed the date of the game, rather than just the week number. This was very useful as you could look at dates players were added/dropped and compare to when the games are. Would be nice to have the game date back in the player card, if nothing as a hover tooltip when you go over the week.
Joel Schroeder commented
Copy “the blue app’s” player cards. Add age, average points per game, and depth charts. For the draft screen show me the draft board instead of forcing me to tab over to look at available players and then see what positions my opponents have/ need.. To use yahoo I need 3-4 tabs open, to use the “other app” everything you need to draft is on the same screen. Yahoo falling behind so please upgrade before this season.
Michael Perry commented
On screens like the Game Logs screen where rows and rows of stats are presented, the header row with column descriptions should stay viewable when you scroll down through the list of records.
Emir Srna commented
As it stands with the new change, it's difficult to go down the list and look at a players game log quickly when you open their notes tab. We shouldn't have to scroll so far right to see the "Misc" tab (PTS/REB/AST/STL/BLK/A/T Ratio). Personally, it's already become exhausting after just the season opener. We should never have to scroll left or right when viewing these things. It's poorly thought out in my opinion.
SuperFly TNT commented
Like everyone else, I agree that the old format was much better. In FF, under "Season Game Log" now you can't see the stats from a previous week that a player had, only their projected stats for the week ahead. Now I have no idea if a player is trending up or down, or how their previous meeting against an opponent went. Please fix this.
Citizen commented
I don't like that you removed a player's age (date of birth) and draft selection (year, round, pick number, etc) from the player card. The draft info can be really helpful when you want to learn about an unknown rookie. Same with age.
Joe Van Deusen commented
Justin commented
Absolute garbage. If it doesn't change back or improve drastically we're switching to another option next year, it's unusable on desktop.
Charlie commented
I do not like it. On mobile site I cant scroll down through new player notes. I can only read old notes. There is a scroll bar, but it doesn't work. I much prefer the design and layout before, when it worked well. The yahoo fantasy app has always been a mess, I don't use it.
Kenneth Tkach commented
The New Interface/background is the worst!! Bring back the old version. The categories across the top no longer fit the whole length and at the end are 3 dots you have to scroll over just to see Stat tracker and yahoo+. Stat tracker used to open up a smaller window and you could still navigate the web page separately. Now you have to use the back button to get back to your league page. NO ONE uses these new chat messages (****) in my league. The old message boards were used way more often and certain subjects were able to be separated. NO ONE EVEN ASKED IF I WANTED THIS NEW VERSION OR KEEP THE OLD VERSION, SOME IDIOT JUST CHANGED IT BECAUSE THEY THINK THEY KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR EVERYONE!!! PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!!!
Louis Gallant commented
absolutely horrible just like every single change made since and including removal of message boards .. whomever is designing and are approving these changes are complete idiots and should be fired immediately ,, there's an old saying .. if it ain't broke don't fix it .. you've taken a perfectly running machine and ruined it (talking specifically about PC's) .. everything is a convoluted mess now and seriously NOT user friendly .. one could go snow blind navigating the site
Jeremy Klinger commented
The new and updated pop-up windows on the desktop version of Fantasy Baseball are TERRIBLE. I'm not sure what developer or team of developers thought it was adding to the user experience, but they were wrong. Oh boy were they wrong. If anything, the new desktop popup windows make it HARDER to process the information in a useful and helpful way. Now, instead of clearly and simply laid out information, its all jumbled all over the place. It was not an upgrade. This updated version gets a big thumbs down from me. Please give managers the option to revert back to the older version, this update has actually made me spend less time playing the game and has directly caused me to lose interest because it makes it harder to navigate the information.
f s commented
The old design was 100% better than the new one. The new one is too large and does not display all of the information. The old one was concise, precise, and efficient. The new one hides information and makes me want to quit playing the game
Rex Tar commented
These player cars are horrible
Rex Tar commented
C. Jordan Hilber commented
Specifically for NHL / hockey, when you click on a players name to pull up their profile, it basically shows you their last 10 games and then their game log and that’s it. All of their current and previous season stats are gone, their personal information is gone (birthday, year drafted, round drafted in, etc.). It’s terrible. I used to prefer yahoo sports player profiles over other platforms because it had all the information I needed to see in an easy and compact format. But now the player profile pages are just awful. It gives me absolutely none of the information that is useful to me. 100 steps backward on whatever change was made. Who thought that would be a good idea?? Please change it back, or I’ll be looking for a new fantasy sports platform next season.
Gary Watts commented
Why change something that was already pretty good to something horrible? The new "post cards" make it too hard to see what the stat totals for the season for a particular player are. Average and last month stats have their place, but this is not an improvement
Woney commented
The new player card format is very useless. It seems tailored to DFS fantasy play instead of the traditional fantasy sports play. Career stats on a player's card lets us know if the player is succeeding in an outlier or not. The new player card requires more clicks to see the important data needed to make lineup decisions. Please change it back, or give users the option to keep the original UI (user Interface) or go to the new UI. After removing the message boards, Yahoo Sports is acting like they are trying to sunset themselves. Fantrax is a new platform me and my league are trying out this year. After 20 years with Yahoo, we might be moving on.
Anonymous commented
When in the old version I needed only 0,5 sec before to see and evaluate player's stats, now I needed several touches on touchpad. Who in the world decided this new version would be better???