Trading - Allow trading of FAB (Free Agent Budget).
This will allow managers to trade a portion or all of their FAB budget in exchange for players. Currently, this feature doesn't exist.

M Guy commented
The lack of this just caused a big rift in our league since we allow it but it has to be manually pushed through by the commissioner. Sleeper has this already
Saqib Razvi commented
Please look into this idea.
Dcat commented
we yrade faab money all the time. Unfortuantely, since Yahoo is ***-backwards, the overworked commsioner has to manually adjust the remaining budgets. Geez... how hard could it be to add FAAB dillars to the trade page (just like future draft picks)?
Ryan Flatt commented
2 changes to make Yahoo Fantasy Football instantly better:
1. Trade block
2. Ability to trade FAB
Saqib Razvi commented
Including FAAB and/or Future Salary Cap Draft$ in trades should be a feature.
Thank you. -
Tommy Lee commented
This will allow you to make trade scenarios with more than 1 team and include FAAB as part of the trade packages
Sean Collander commented
I'd love to be able to include next year's Salary Cap $$ in trades for my keeper league. It would make tracking things so much easier from a commissioner perspective, and make the overall game far more interesting.
Michael Iannaccio commented
The comment below is absolutely right. The exact same thing in my league. Why not just make it a trade option? Commissioners have enough on their plates. Why not help us a little bit and actually make our lives easier. As for the comment made by Tom Kirk, it's simple. Be a commissioner and you don't have league votes on trades. You decide as commissioner if the trade is acceptable or not. Simple as that.
Freddy Barnes commented
Our league uses FAAB $ for waivers. A feature that we do outside of yahoo is allowing money to be part of trades. So for example, Player A gets traded for Player B and $15. As it stands the teams who make this trade then have to inform me (the commissioner) and then I have to manually edit the FAAB amounts for each team, which you can do in Commisioner tools under editing other teams.
It would be really great if there was a feature in the actual trade proposal to allow you to enter in FAAB and yahoo’s interface automatically took care of this. In theory, it’s absolutely possible. It would look similar to how draft picks can be exchanged currently in trades.
Saqib Razvi commented
Please make it possible to include FAAB and/or Salary Cap $$ in trades.
Thank you. -
Brian Russo commented
Kent Baker commented
It would be great if there was an option for doubleheaders each week or a win for head to head and a win for top half of league points scored for the week. All that ever changes is the appearance of the platform, never anything to make the game more customizable.
Saqib Razvi commented
Agreed. Excellent idea.
FAAB AND Draft Auction$ for the next year should be tradeable.Please implement.
Tom Kirk commented
I'm against this. Do not allow this. It makes collusion way too easy. Too many cheaters or personalities that impose their will on the weaker minded. No, no, no... terrible idea.
Cole Carver commented
Agreed. We also trade FAAB manually today via the Commish Tools, but would be really nice if it was formally added as a possible trade asset.
Derek McDonnell commented
Yes we trade FAAB currently with players and adjust it manually in the Commish tools, would be better if this can be an added option to in FAAB in trades.
Mike Reilly commented
This sounds like a great idea. How does this work. Never played in faab league. I know the premise. So your saying u can trade part of your waiver budget for the next year. That would be great!
Anonymous commented
agreed! We are doing it manually right now with commish tools
Nellinton Montero commented
please add and correct for next season
Ernie Acosta commented
Can there be a feature added to trade auction budget money for future seasons in auction keeper leagues. If you can trade picks in standard league I don't see why you can't trade draft budget money also.