Waivers - Customizable waiver processing time.
This will allow commissioners to choose when their league's waivers process. Currently, there is no option to change what time waivers run.
Jason Uyan commented
Being able to customize and add multiple waiver times throughout the day would help with daily waivers for fantasy basketball. For example, having waiver processing times at both 12am and 12pm would allow managers to add players after being outbid, forgetting, or hearing injury update news throughout the day.
Roger A VanLoon commented
Request to allow a shorter duration on the waiver wire. The minimum is currently 1 full day, which is typically around 48 hours. This is too long! Especially when a player is cut on Wednesday morning, his team plays on Thursday night football, so the player does not come off waivers until Wednesday of the next week.
JOSEPH A MUNI commented
Hey all, I'm about to blow your minds....(although some users may know this already). The waiver options are a JOKE. I've read many of the comments here and everyone is concerned about having to wake up at 3am to check the waivers and make adjustments based on what happened. Well, we all have a BIGGER problem. Many people use the waiver option of Game Time- Tuesday. The key here is the word Tuesday. Once Wednesday rolls around (12:00:01am) all players are free agents. This means that the players are all FREE TO BE PICKED UP at 12:00:01am Wed morning! A full 3 hours before waivers run!!!! This means players are not on waivers until "waivers are processed"! It means they are on Waivers until Wednesday at 12am! Forget waiver lists and orders, just go grab them!!! THIS HAS TO BE FIXED!
YAHOO! PLEASE add a waiver option "Game Time- Tuesday Waivers"! Or as everyone here is saying until "WEDNESDAY Waivers" after the injury reports come out.
bobby valach commented
It would be wonderful if we could set a time where everyone can access the waivers at the same time. Most people aren’t awake at 3am to see what happens. If we are able to customize this, it would take a headache away from many league members. For example, I have a league on Sleeper that allows us to set the waiver for noon so everyone has a chance to react. It’s only fair to have this as an option for commissioners to use
Scott Piotti commented
Why are th3ey not running today? Also, why so late...every other platform has them done by 3 am. You need to get better at this!!!
Danny Shaw commented
6:00am and waivers still haven't been processed? It is too many FFB sites available to continue using Yahoo if no one listens to their customers over there.
Timothy Dempsey commented
As the debacle on 9/18 shows, Yahoo is unable to consistently set a standard time for all waivers to run simultaneously. This should be customizable so as not to overload Yahoo's servers.
Yahoo development team spent too much time making the new app terrible, allowing the basic service to suffer
Anton Raskin commented
Update it now! I run daily waivers and on Sunday, people can't make pickups at 12pm when all the news drops. Why is this not fixed yet? Does anyone even work at Yahoo anymore? This is a massive problem.
aaron jacob commented
Aside from options to change the time waivers process (e.g., 12pm instead of 3am), I NEED options to combine “continuous rolling waivers” with “game time - Tuesday”. For example, my league has continuous daily waivers FAB, but this means that Sunday players need to be bid on by SUNDAY night. This is both stressful and too soon to get real injury updates to make informed bids. The only option now is to uncheck Monday as a process day, but if we do that, then no one can pick up new players for a Monday game, which is not a realistic option.
There needs to be a way to have continuous daily waivers but still lock players from game time - Tuesday, so that monday waivers still process but without Sunday players, who would be locked until Tuesday night. -
Andre Moore commented
Currently, the start of the new league week each week, on Tuesdays, starts at 12a PDT based on Yahoo default. Leagues in CDT then defaults to 2a. League members are waking up to make transactions. The commissioner should be able to control and set this new league time for his/her respective league. Example: We would set our new league week to start at 8a CDT.
Mathew Smith commented
Critical feature here. We live in central US time and players who wake up at 3 in the morning get first dibs on players after waivers and people with real lives who sleep in the night are left with the scraps. If we could move to decent hour that is fair to everyone, that would be most beneficial.
Mike McD commented
Have the option to run waivers Wednesday night at midnight, that way we can see the week's first injury report which comes out Wednesday afternoon!
mark caudillo commented
Its not fair that the east coast guys wake up earlier than west coast and ****** up the good left over free agents. I have tried to explain this before but nobody understands. They would be forced to use a waiver claim or risk not getting that left over player. but because they get up at 6 am east coast (3am west coast) time they ****** up the the good left overs for free while people on west coast are still sleeping. West coast teams are forced to use a waiver while the east coast can wake up and see who they can get for free. If your answer is put in a waiver claim, you don't understand what I am saying.
MARK GENERA commented
i had some waivers process at 2:03AM vs all other waiver claims process at 2:38Am is there any reported issue or a way to get details on this?
RJax commented
Just like the waiver First game of the week - Tuesday rule except we hav the option to make it Wednesday instead:
First game of the week - Wednesday: All un-rostered players will be placed on waivers at the start of the first game for that week with the claim period ending at 11:59pm PT on Wednesday.
Andres Rojas commented
Have the option to Change waivers run from Tuesday night to Wednesday nights. Injuries are reported after the Wednesday practice, need this info to know who to pick up on waivers, Tuesday is too early in the week, we don't have the information yet.
Andres Rojas commented
Other Platforms have allowed this!
Andres Rojas commented
Have the option to Change waivers run from Tuesday night to Wednesday nights. Injuries are reported after the Wednesday practice, need this info to know who to pick up on waivers, Tuesday is too early in the week, we dont have the information yet.
Rob Cleva commented
in "real" football, NFL teams announce their injured players on Wednesday, so allowing fantasy owners to push back the waiver timeline from Tuesday to Wednesday will help, as player will have more information before making their waive selections. at the very least, please make Wednesday an option, along with Tuesdays, so commissioners can decided what they want for their league. PLEASE HELP WITH THIS. :)
Ryan Robinson commented
Should add Game time to Wed option so players clear Thurs am vs standard Wed am. Give extra day of injury news and digestion of player data post Mon night game.