I don't care for the new format. It is very faded and hard to see. Too white and light gray.
The old format was easier to see. This new one is too faded. Gray on white just doesn't work.

Lorraine Andrews commented
Apparently, you don't care that we don't like the light grey font on white and that it is hard to read because YOU HAVEN'T BOTHER TO CHANGE IT. This is why I don't like to fill out your surveys. You don't care what we think.. I'm going to gmail.
Joy Hudson commented
I liked the old themes better and the backgrounds.
Anonymous commented
Yes, the font color is too light and against the light background is hard to read.
Darker and larger font color would help a lot -
Felix Navarrete commented
At 86 and legally blind the grey and white it is hard to see the white letters also I like the black and white the best
Tony Durham commented
just give me back my old email. don't like this one
Tony Durham commented
I certainly 1000th that. How can you guys be so stupid? White text on pale gray background!!!
Get other employment, please! from a normal
Anonymous commented
I agree. The background colors are too dark and the actual page is either gray or faded to me. Lighten up the background colors a bit.
Nina Nobel commented
I HATE IT. IT SUCKS! Why did it shift back to that ****** brown screen which I redesigned.
Its such a nuisance, I am seriously thinking of switching out of YAHOO. Very unsatisfied. And not just with the new screen. Give me back or tell me how to get the old screen back.
Wilbur Reid commented
No comment
Lorna WalltoWallBorderCollies commented
I can change the font and the size but the colors ALL Are dim... dim dim... no true solid colors... all are a faded version of the color pallet... not even the Black is black... the blue is not blue but powdered... the red is only a light pink.... really .... could you not afford to put any INK in your color pallet????? I am so frustrated with your programming... who's idea is this????? DO you not think about people who can not see??? Every computer and Microsoft program... and many others.... use the options to have enhanced contrast for people with vision issues. YET you purposely have made your settings to work against the health and well being of your users [how does that make the people paying for the right to advertise on your site feel... as we will be stopping the use of your program/system so they will have a huge loss of advertising dollars invested] all for the effect of trying to make something look different because there was literally nothing of use that you could develop to increase the value of the product and if you did not put out a new version... that would make the job of designer obsoleet. And why is it that the text on here ... this comment field... have the darker type set???? IS that to make it easier for you to view the comments?????
Lorna WalltoWallBorderCollies commented
I actually called the help line the other night in tears... literally blind trying to read the email messages on screen... with some vision issues... the grey /grey printing is very ******* the eye... to the point that working with emails most of the day... I am literally blind by the evening... leaving me unable to do any other tasks later in the day or even enjoy a but of TV from the eye strain from looking at this stupid grey printing.
janice kelley commented
The new format is very faded looking with the white background then grey print, it is very hard to
see & read. The dark background & Light print as it was before this change was so much nicer & easy to look at & read. PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK THE WAY IT WAS. -
Sandra Dorothy commented
It would be helpful to be able to adjust the shade of the background in settings.
Gobind Dadlani commented
Please put back the old system so that I can see all my emails.
mejasco renato commented
To me, it's so good my Yahoo now is having a new look. I am really appreciate it. Thanks.
Priscilla LaBranche commented
I can hardly see it. Why is the font so small in email? I want the old format back
Rolly Alvarez commented
The background is white, too bright, not suitable for emails. Hard to read.